Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dear NBA....

Below is a letter to the NBA superstars and David Stern.  After watching last night's joke of a basketball skills exhibition I felt cheated and angry.  What followed was me composing a letter these guys will never read, but expresses how I feel.

Dear NBA Superstars and David Stern,

               First and foremost, I would like to thank you so much for putting on such a great All-Star weekend for your millions of fans that buy your overpriced and ridiculous jerseys, apparel, shoes, tickets, NBA package, etc…  It is just great to see the top tier of NBA players hold up the strong tradition of the best-of-the-best going at each other’s throats in the dunk contest and three point shootout.

Watching last night’s embarrassment of a showcase made me thankful for one thing, that I don’t have any kids to watch that sad excuse of basketball.  I remember growing up and sitting in front of the TV and being completely captivated by the spectacle that was taking place.  That spectacle of course was the likes of Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Kobe Bryant, Dominique Wilkins and others taking on the personal challenge and even more putting on a show for the fans that supported them.  Crazy to think those players didn’t make a drop compared to what you do now, and they still wanted to go out and prove themselves.

Today’s youth are learning that competing in an exhibition showcase is a “bad business decision” and there aren’t any real incentives to taking part in any of All-Star weekend, besides the All-Star game itself.  It has become about endorsements and sponsors.  Last night we had the joy of watching a guy who averages 5 minutes and 2 points per game win the dunk contest. We never heard of him before, and kids aren’t begging their parents for a fresh pair of Jeremy Evans kicks today.

Unfortunately, last night’s highlight and spectacle were a drunk P. Diddy who was blubbering nonsense and yelling “black power”.  Great production David Stern!  You should be so proud of the product you are putting out there for the world to see.  The NBA is a joke and the players are the comedians.  They have played you like a fiddle and now you are at their mercy, which is why none of them feel the need to participate in what used to be the greatest All-Star weekend of all sports, but is now competing with the Pro Bowl for most irrelevant.

I guess the NBA is just a microcosm of today’s society and is a just small part of the bigger problem in this country, but that is for another day.  Regardless, shame on you NBA.  Shame on you Lebron, Wade, Griffin, Howard, Melo, Westbrook, DRose, etc..  Shame on you David Stern.

Your Deteriorating Fanbase 

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