Monday, August 27, 2012

Seminole Expectations: National vs Rational

Every preseason for what seems an eternity, the national sports media declares/hopes "FSU is back!!.  College football fans around the country watch guys like Kirk Herbstreit predict Chris Rix to be a Heisman candidate, while Seminole faithful entered each season with a sense of insecurity and uncertainty.

For years we watched as our once glorious leader began to lose his touch.  For a man who was once ahead of the curve on recruiting and game planning, slowly he began to fall behind to a new era of coaches and style of play (Saban, Miles, Meyer, Kelly, Stoops).  Seminole football slowly drifted into an era of mediocrity and under-achieving, and the fans admitted it freely.

Of course we still sang the fight song, belted out the Warchant repeatedly, and beat our chests proudly, we were the damn Seminoles.  A fan base that experienced, arguably, the greatest 15 year run in the history of modern college football.  We were a fan base that became accustomed to always being in the national title hunt, having consistent Heisman hopefuls, and playing in elite bowl games at the conclusion of every season.  But like any great dynasty, it all came crumbling down.

It was a slow and painful dissent.  Fans suffered through seasons of Jeff Bowden led offenses, outdated zone coverage schemes, appearances in lackluster bowls games (2006 Emerald City Bowl, 2007 Music City Bowl), and an academic scandal that really tested the dedication and fortitude of the Seminole faithful.  Of course fans were disappointed with the outcome of these dark seasons, but something we can still be proud of is making it to postseason play 30 straight seasons and owning the 9th best bowl record in the country.  Only one other college, Nebraska, has been to more consecutive bowl games.  FSU is the 25th most winning program in college football, and they didn't start playing football until 1947.  Unlike many programs that still boast about national championships they won during seasons of 5 game schedules or less and before any of the world wars.

With the memories of the dynasty years instilled in the mind of not only FSU fans, but of football fans across the country and sports media it seemed as though everyone made predictions each season based on those results and that history.  They would see the Florida State logo and think "how could this team not be good? They are always good!" and that is true, until of course when we weren't good anymore.

Every preseason for the last decade has been nothing but torture for Seminole fans.  As national media and fans across the country continually slotted FSU as ACC champs and BCS contenders.  Those of us fans that followed the program closely knew the teams were over-projected and the fans and team would be bashed relentlessly due to uneducated media making unfounded predictions.  All of this was common practice during the twilight of Bobby Bowden's career.  We will always love and honor this great man for what he did for such a proud university.  He condensed a hundred years worth of history into a less than a half century, and he wasn't shy about.  He welcomed the challenge to play any team, anywhere, anytime. But we will also remember the way he unceremoniously had to be removed as head coach due to his inability to properly evaluate his ineffectiveness with 18-22 year old football players and the impact it was having on the product on the field.

Then the (long awaited) changing of the guard happened.  A new leader in Seminole football was named: Jimbo Fisher.  The day Jimbo Fisher was announced as head coach it seemed as though skies had cleared and Seminole fans remembered what it was like to see the sun again.  Finally, there was a plan and a process put in place that fans could see.  The change was real and palpable.  This quick talkin', southern gentleman first charmed the fans, next the media, and then prime time recruits.  Once again, FSU began to recruit like it was the mid-90's.  For the first time in almost a decade, Seminole fans began to have higher hopes and expectations.

During his first two seasons (2010, 2011) Seminole fans cheered carefully, knowing that it would take a few seasons for the program to fully become Jimbo's; from players, staff, assistants, and overall mentality.  The 2012 season was circled as the one all Seminole fans looked to as "The Year" when Jimbo was officially introduced as head coach.  This will be Jimbo's third year at the helms after consecutive elite recruiting classes.  For the first time in almost a decade ESPN is finally right, FSU should be back! This should be the year.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Summer's Phinally Here!

This past weekend, summer officially began for this big guy.  For those of you who know me personally or through social media, know that over the past few summers I may have become a little obsessed with Phish.  From here on out, no summer will be complete without a Phish run or two.  This past weekend I got things underway with my crew in Burgettstown, PA at First Niagara Pavilion and then turned around and did it all over again the next night with 35 of my Cleveland Phish Pham at Blossom Music Center in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. (Phish also played in Cincinatti the night before the PA show, so obviously this run of the tour was dubbed the "AFC North Run")
One of the many things for sale on Shakedown Street

Saturday was an absolutely perfect day for a show.  My boys Ira, Brandon, and Adam piled into Ira's Ford Escape and we made our voyage into enemy territory (Pukesburgh), but unlike most days there were no enemies waiting for us in the parking lot of the venue.  The day of a Phish show all rivalries are dead and the only thing that is important to everyone there is being happy and having the best show possible.

Poster for the Burgettstown, PA Show

After getting settled we made our way across the lot to the well known "Shakedown Street".  Shakedown is a row of vendors that usually tour with the band during the summer and sell everything from phresh food, clothes, jewelry, and art (which Jen and I picked up a couple pieces at Shakedown at Blossom the next night).  After getting some grub, a sweet coozie, and a baby onesie for our soon to be proud papa Ira, it was time to make our way into the show.

Short video of our walk through Shakedown Street
My Jon Fishman aka Fish coozie with his favorite instrument, the vacuum
Without any surprise Phish brought the house down in Burgettstown, PA.  They got funky, spacey, jammy, and of course jumped on trampolines while rocking like only the best bands do!

After an amazing show on the road it was time to head back to The Land and have ourselves a show on our home turf, Blossom Music Center in Cuyahoga, Falls, Ohio.  I have never experienced anything like the feeling I have after a Phish show, between the energy from the crowd and magic from the band I am sure this is the closest thing to a religious experience I will ever have.
Poster for the Blossom show in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

For this show we held nothing back.  We got 35 of our phriends together and headed to the show in style, a 35 passenger revamped school bus named "Hendrix".  Somehow, someway Phish matched the energy and magic of the night before.  We danced like there was no tomorrow and left nothing in the tank as we were all drained by the time the bus dropped us off at home.

The bus, the crew, the guys who like to dress alike, and the brothers
During the Blossom show I had two thoughts: How are they so good? And I want to die at a Phish show.  Thankfully I have three more shows with these guys left next weekend (July 6,7,8) in Saratoga Springs, New York where I will reunite with a long, lost buddy and be sure to dance my ass off.

Friday, May 25, 2012

This Summer's Top 10 Most Wanted

If you read my last post you know I have developed quite a fondness for the band Phish.  In anticipation of making it to a good amount of shows in the next two months, you could say I have been listening to a rather extensive amount of live shows in preparation for what is sure to be some good times with some great people.

Far too often as I am listening to these shows a song comes on that I can't get enough of.  So I decided to give myself the task of narrowing a list down to 10 songs that I would like to see most this summer.  They are in no particular order, but damn do I really want to hear these guys get into some long jams with the following songs.

Most importantly I understand Phish isn't for everyone and we all have our different tastes, but scroll through the songs and you might find one that gets your toes tappin'.  You may even be surprised by some of the artists they cover and some of the bands that truly influence their sound.

*Important Note: It is no secret that Trey's voice is less than stellar, but Phish isn't about the vocals.  It is about the music, the journey, the composition, and most importantly having Phun! Enjoy...

1. First up is "Boogie on Reggae Woman" which is originally performed by a musical genius in his own right, Stevie Wonder.  This uptempo, funky song starts off strong from the beginning and makes you want to dance all night.

2. Next up is "Wolfman's Brother" which is a lot more on the easy listening side when it comes to Phish.  It's nothing real crazy, and has a solid chorus.  It's a song doesn't stray too far off the path and gets straight to the point, just some standard jamming.  This song is a Phish original and they have been playing it since 1994.

3. "Carini" has quickly become one of my favorites in the past few months.  Those first few hard-rock chords suck me in immediately and I can't wait to see where they are going to take it.  When I listen to this song I picture them taking the baton from The Beatles when they were starting to experiment with their sound and take it to a whole different level.  They create a dark, yet enticing mood that I just can't get enough of. I really hope to hear this song at least once, if not a couple times.

4. Next on the list is a song that feels like an adventure every time I listen to it, "My Friend, My Friend".  It starts very light, but quickly takes a dark turn and is full of peaks and valleys.  It's not a song that get's the crowd buzzing too much, but is simply just an interesting piece that sparks my interest.

5. If you ever wanted to get a little weird with it just insert some Frank Zappa.  "Peaches en Regalia" is just a fun, energetic song that gets the energy up quickly.  There isn't a too much more to say about this song, besides sit back and enjoy, or get up and rage.  My favorite part of the video below, is seeing the raw emotion this song invokes in the crowd.

6. I had the pleasure of hearing Phish play "The Lizards" last summer during their stop at Blossom in Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio.  As soon as the song began and the amazing lights began dancing with the music I was completely entranced.  The sound was so carefree and catchy, and was carried throughout the entire song including a great piano solo which does nothing but make you smile and want to be on an island somewhere.

7. Oh, you like rock and roll?  Then "Free" is the song for you.  You'll get a heavy dose of some great guitar riffs and some of my favorite Phish lyrics.  What I thought was a song about being carefree and living your life without worry is actually about throwing your wife off a boat and getting the hell out of there.  So there's that, but like any other song, it is what you make of it.  For me it's song of not letting life's worries get the best of you and making the most of what's around.

8. Easily one of my favorites since I started listening to Phish is a Talking Heads cover, "Cities".  Phish takes a lot of creative freedom with this cover and has morphed it into a more bouncy, uptempo song and Trey even plays with the lyrics to make them more of his own.  Hands down one of my favorite covers that Phish performs.

9. "Wilson" is a crowd favorite and one of their most played songs.  The song starts off with a back-and-forth between the band and the crowd and then jumps straight into the rockin'.  Lots of heavy guitar and lyrics that the crowd can't help but to yell at the top of their lungs.  Odds on seeing this song a time or two this summer are looking pretty good.

10.Last but most certainly not least, "Weekapaug Groove".  Whenever I am introducing Phish to a new listener this is my go-to first song.  From the get-go the bass heavy beat is fast and the guitar is infectious.  If you don't start moving just a little bit when this song starts then it's definitely you and not the band that is doing something wrong.  They're just trying to "make a woman that you move" and "share in a Weekapaug Groove" with you.

I hope you enjoyed at least a few of these songs.  I feel that Phish has a little something to offer everyone, regardless of your musical taste and preferences, it just takes an open mind.  See ya'll soon.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Phish: A Love Story

After finally completing an intensive one year Masters program I am planning what will be a summer to remember.  I mean hell, I deserve it.  This summer will be packed with some crunchy jams and tasty grooves.  This summer I will be attending not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5 Phish shows, and I wish I could go to 5 more.

The crazy thing about my Phish obsession is that just 3 years ago I swore I hated them.  My good buddy at Florida State, Ariel, was always listening to them and trying to get me to go to a show with him just to experience it and then make my mind up.  Unfortunately, I was too stubborn and set in my ways at the time and never gave them a fair shake.  I was walking through life not knowing what I was missing until a group of buddies in Cleveland called me one Friday afternoon in August 2010 to take a road trip with them to Deer Creek, Indiana where Phish was playing and they just so happened to have an extra ticket.

Since I had no excuses and not a damn thing going on I figured "why the hell not"?  At worst I'll have a great weekend tailgating and shooting the shit with my buddies and we'll come away with some good stories and memories.  So off we went to Indiana.  The drive was great, six hours of good tunes, good ole bullshitting, and making fun of all the 100 foot tall crosses that line the interstate once you cross into Indiana.  Next thing you know we were parked at the venue and ready to “rage” the lot (a term used by veteran Phish-goers for tailgating).

To no surprise I was really good at the tailgating part: drinking beers, grilling food, throwing a Frisbee, listening to some music, and having a talk with others around us doing the same.  Then after doing some tailgating it was time to hit “Shakedown Street”, which is a half-mile or so stretch of vendors selling everything from tie-dyes, CDs, burritos, quesadillas, and all kinds of other goodies with “special ingredients”.  Everyone there was in a great mood, bartering of all types was happening all around, and this open market was thriving.  The band hadn’t even taken the stage yet and I was already having a great time, thinks were looking up.

After raging the lot all afternoon it was almost time to enter the venue.  As the masses all flocked towards the gates it felt as if we were going into a sporting event, people hooting and hollering, high-fiving, and telling each other to “Have a good show”!  There was an energy or buzz in the air that I have never felt at another concert.  Finally, my first Phish show was about to begin.  The band took the stage, the anticipation built, Trey started rocking the opening chords to “Axilla” and the entire crowd erupted in joy.  I WAS HOOKED!  From that moment on this band had me.  Immediately, I texted my buddy Ariel and let him know I was sorry for ever doubting him, and I couldn’t wait for the time we can finally catch a show together.  The music, the crowd, the energy, the sing-a-longs, the glow stick wars, the vacuum solo, everything had me hooked.

As the concert ended and we filtered back out to the parking lot, I was smiling from ear-to-ear.  Everyone was talking about what their favorite part was and what songs they couldn't believe were played.  It felt as though we were leaving a game but there was only one team playing and everyone was going home after seeing a winner.  Since that hot day in August 2010 there has been no looking back.  I am slightly obsessed with Phish and I don’t see any end in sight.

Now with Summer Tour 2012 upon us I will finally get that opportunity to see a few shows with my dear friend Ariel and I couldn’t be any happier.  I haven’t seen him in who knows how many years and I couldn’t think of a better way for us to reunite, than over a band he knew I would love despite my constant hardheadedness and stubbornness.

So at the end of the day I want to say thank you to Ariel for knowing me better than I knew myself, and thanks to my Cleveland boys JLaz, Brandon, Billy, and Ira for taking me on that road trip, opening my mind, and changing my life.  If you take anything away from this, whether you like or Phish or not, just remember to have an open mind in all things you do in life, because no matter how much you swear you hate something, it may be the complete opposite that is true.

Now with my love story of Phish concluded, I’ve been listening to a lot of past shows in anticipation of this summer and about every other song I think to myself “I want to hear this song so bad this summer”. So for my next post I figured I would make a list of the 10 songs, in no order, I am hoping Phish dives into while I’m in stay tuned!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Where Do Your Allegiances Lie?

Last night I tweeted “Hell of a run for the #OUBobcats, but you can now return to being bandwagon OSU fans” which was intended primarily as a joke, but after the responses I received and the conversations I had it definitely struck a nerve with some. The reactions and comments I received made me think more about the fan dynamics in the state of Ohio and the unwavering support of Ohio State University athletics by many that attended other great Ohio universities.
            As I sat at the bar watching the entertaining Sweet 16 game between Ohio University and North Carolina, the lady next to me who had been cheering relentlessly for the Bobcats let me know she was a proud OU alum.  She yelled and hollered all game long, but as time expired she leaned over to me and said “I’m an OSU fan anyways”.  This comment was nothing new, I hear it from most people who are alum of other Ohio universities such as Miami, Kent State, Toledo, Akron, etc...  It’s comments like these that get under my skin.
            That comment is what sparked my tweet, but then led me to think more about the Ohio State fan base, and who it is comprised of.  There is no doubt that Ohio State is a great university. There is great history both in athletics and on the campus in Columbus, Ohio and I respect that.  My problem is not with those that attended the university, but those that attended other universities in the state of Ohio, but continue to be diehard Buckeye fans.  I understand that you grew up rooting for the Buckeyes, but then you got older, matured, and made the decision to attend a different university.
If you made that choice to attend a different university, why not immerse yourself in that university’s campus and athletics?  Instead of still rooting for a college you don’t attend, go out to your school’s football game on Saturday and spend your money on your university.  Tailgate early in the morning and create a sense of buzz, something to get excited about.  Sure they might not be that competitive or have ESPN on campus every week, but it’s still your university.  Why not change the culture at that university?  Begin supporting your athletics from the beginning of regular season and not just on the big stage of the postseason every few seasons.  After graduating become a booster and visit your alma mater for sporting events that bring money to the local businesses that you loved as a student. Basically, take pride in something you are a part of.  This is how programs grow and develop over time.
Something that was a part of your life for at least four years deserves more than you spending your time and money on a university you never attended just because they have good athletic programs.  Take that time and money and put it into your alma mater.  Buy season tickets even if you can’t make all the games, join boosters, buy jerseys and apparel of that university, and make trips to the campus for sporting events as much as you would to Columbus in the fall.
  It’s just crazy to me that a great university such as Ohio University that has been around for over 200 years, has a great history if not more than OSU, notable alumni and a relatively large enrollment (35,324) can’t support it’s athletic teams year round.  It blows my mind to know that the city of Athens, Ohio becomes a mini Columbus every Saturday during the fall with scarlet and grey jerseys and apparel littered throughout the rolling hills in southwest Ohio.  What if those scarlet and grey jerseys were replaced with green and white, tailgated around the beautiful campus all day and planted their asses in Peden Stadium?
Of course there are no rules to what team you can and cannot root for or support.  I just never really understood the concept of rooting for Ohio State just because it’s Ohio State.  I am a very proud and loyal person and support everything I am involved with through and through.  I was fortunate enough to attend Florida State University, and since the day I enrolled there I have been nothing but supportive and loyal to only FSU.  I spend my money on FSU as a booster, as a fan of the sports, and as an alum of the university.
I also realized in Florida that there were many universities in the state that had great fan bases that supported their university regardless of that university’s size or athletic accomplishments.  Schools such as University of Central Florida and University of South Florida had surprisingly supportive fan bases and alum that spend their time and money on their alma mater and not one of the big three (FSU, UF, and Miami) just because they were the schools the majority of the state supported.  Of course there are fans of the big three that attended other universities; it happens everywhere, it just seems to be more of a happening in the state of Ohio.
Regardless, there is no right or wrong team to cheer for.  Just an observation from an Ohio resident who has zero ties to any university in the area.  The dynamics of the fan bases and lack thereof in Ohio truly intrigues me, and is something I always wanted to know more about.  Why do fans of OSU who attended other universities continue to support OSU over their alma mater?  There can be a school to challenge OSU in athletics in this great state of Ohio.  It is a possibility, but it has to start somewhere and what better place than with the alumni of those universities?  Also, I only used OU as an example because of the game last night, but you can replace OU with many other Ohio universities.  Just happened to be the one of discussion last night.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dear NBA....

Below is a letter to the NBA superstars and David Stern.  After watching last night's joke of a basketball skills exhibition I felt cheated and angry.  What followed was me composing a letter these guys will never read, but expresses how I feel.

Dear NBA Superstars and David Stern,

               First and foremost, I would like to thank you so much for putting on such a great All-Star weekend for your millions of fans that buy your overpriced and ridiculous jerseys, apparel, shoes, tickets, NBA package, etc…  It is just great to see the top tier of NBA players hold up the strong tradition of the best-of-the-best going at each other’s throats in the dunk contest and three point shootout.

Watching last night’s embarrassment of a showcase made me thankful for one thing, that I don’t have any kids to watch that sad excuse of basketball.  I remember growing up and sitting in front of the TV and being completely captivated by the spectacle that was taking place.  That spectacle of course was the likes of Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Kobe Bryant, Dominique Wilkins and others taking on the personal challenge and even more putting on a show for the fans that supported them.  Crazy to think those players didn’t make a drop compared to what you do now, and they still wanted to go out and prove themselves.

Today’s youth are learning that competing in an exhibition showcase is a “bad business decision” and there aren’t any real incentives to taking part in any of All-Star weekend, besides the All-Star game itself.  It has become about endorsements and sponsors.  Last night we had the joy of watching a guy who averages 5 minutes and 2 points per game win the dunk contest. We never heard of him before, and kids aren’t begging their parents for a fresh pair of Jeremy Evans kicks today.

Unfortunately, last night’s highlight and spectacle were a drunk P. Diddy who was blubbering nonsense and yelling “black power”.  Great production David Stern!  You should be so proud of the product you are putting out there for the world to see.  The NBA is a joke and the players are the comedians.  They have played you like a fiddle and now you are at their mercy, which is why none of them feel the need to participate in what used to be the greatest All-Star weekend of all sports, but is now competing with the Pro Bowl for most irrelevant.

I guess the NBA is just a microcosm of today’s society and is a just small part of the bigger problem in this country, but that is for another day.  Regardless, shame on you NBA.  Shame on you Lebron, Wade, Griffin, Howard, Melo, Westbrook, DRose, etc..  Shame on you David Stern.

Your Deteriorating Fanbase 

Hello Internet....

Over the past two years I have watched my girlfriend start her own website/blog, Sports Stole My Man, and have became very interested in starting my own blog.  Originally, the idea was to get a nice little cozy section on her blog where I could rant and ramble when I wanted, but unfortunately that was unable to happen.  So here I am, doing my own thing...

Many of you know me, my humor, and my opinions on just about anything from my 140 character blurts on twitter.  So I started this blog for those things I have way more than 140 characters worth of an opinion on.  I hope to make you laugh, cry, think, love me, hate me and much more.

So here we gooooo.....